Friday, May 23, 2008
Es un ciclo
When I was there, I fell in love with something beyond MT's laughter, or Luis's stupid songs, or even weekly dances at Chaman/Ache/Marcelo's/wherever. It was something better than riding in the back of a pickup truck for 45 minutes through the mountains, better than star gazing at the dock in Orinoco, better than stolen kisses in the darkness courtesy of Union Fenosa. And that, my friends, is why I'm going back. To find out why I'm in love.
Si pequeña es la Patria, uno grande la sueña. - Ruben Dario
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
- personal fundraising, which I've already spammed some of you with
- tapping friends for corporate sponsoring (note to self: contact the H brothers)
- arranging a neighborhood poker tourney - I was inspired when I won at Texas hold'em at Steve's last night. I've NEVER won big before! It's a sign.
- working with Alex for $$$ from her foundation - if I can swing it for personal funding, I won't need to do anymore fundraising for my own behalf. However, even if it can only go to general funding for MPI that's still fantastic.
If you can think of anything else, please leave suggestions/sugerencias. Gracias!
On a completely unrelated note, words that send a shiver down my spine whenever the nica boys say them: tranquila, mujer, la china/chinita, la + any female's first name, entonces, and whenever they sing that stupid song about exorcising demons from my body.
I'm in love with an entire country. Como sucedio eso?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Lazy days
- Talked to the infamous Kate D today. I miss her oodles.
- Also gchatted with Luis all day today. He's ridiculous.
- I need to make a lot of appts before I leave, which should happen
- Need to make a poster about Manna Project.
- Need to clean room.
- Need to fundraise.
Also, finished up at Emory with a cumulative 3.756. Not amazing for a fairly easy Humanities degree, but not too shabby either. Needless to say, that's getting rounded up to a 3.8 in me head.
Friday, May 16, 2008
People may rag on Emory-ites for being rich and obnoxious, but while I was there I surrounded myself with intelligent, interesting, and caring young adults from a range of socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. At least there's diversity. Come to think of it, same thing goes for my high school.
Maybe I'm not giving them the benefit of the doubt, but when you don't greet someone when you're in their home and leave your used glasses all over their house, I don't care if you're the fucking king of Siam or Juanito from La Chureca. Have a little courtesy.
And no, I do not want to buy you alcohol. You don't even know my name, and I don't really care if I learn yours either.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
But of course, that's all a matter of opinion. Life here in [the pretty side of] MoCo is just as real as when we walked by stray dogs, trash heaps and piropo-ing men to get to class, or the pulperia, or to Luis's house to spend hours doing nothing. And as fun as all that was, and as fun and crazy as I'm sure Team Nica '09 is going to be, I'm pretty sure I'm going to raise my family in the United States.
For his keynote address, Bernie Marcus repeated how lucky we were to be living in the United States. The girl beside me snorted, "He's a Republican, huh." But instead of agreeing with her, I instead found myself agreeing with him. He's right, you know. That's why my family moved back. That's why we have thousands (millions) of undocumented immigrants entering the States yearly. The only reason I would permanently move to a less developed country (say, back to the PI) is if I were offered an amazing job or if there were family-related reasons. That's pretty much it.
I called Fitness First today. It would be $130 for a 2-month student membership. Not only is that not great to begin with, but it's also 23% of a month's expenses with Manna. Not okay. I could eat for a month with that money. *sigh* Guess it's back to running the surrounding neighborhoods!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
My references
Why Admissions should hire me when I apply for a job (after
- David N, junior in high school
Thanks buddy :o) On another note, about 60 hours until commencement stuff starts. Crazy!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
My apologies for my awful lack of posts over the last month. Ever since I killed my keyboard I’ve been doing most of my computer stuff in the library, and I always feel guilty when I’m not doing school work. However, I’ve decided that I’m going to suck it up and write something lengthy on my malfunctioning keyboard (be proud).
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind – everything I do is bittersweet: last undergrad classes ever, last Wonderful Wednesday, last chapter, last No Strings Attached concert, last trips to various venues in Atlanta (well, at least for the time being)…and every time I see people I have to remind myself that it might be the last time we’ll see each other ever. How depressing.
Almost needless to say, I haven’t been exercising or eating very healthily because of all the craziness happening. When I’m having fun I tend to not be healthy…whoops.