Friday, May 16, 2008


Changed my kids will grow up in the plains of Africa if it means they don't end up like the spoiled, rude, self-entitled brats that live in my town. Dios mio.

People may rag on Emory-ites for being rich and obnoxious, but while I was there I surrounded myself with intelligent, interesting, and caring young adults from a range of socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. At least there's diversity. Come to think of it, same thing goes for my high school.

Maybe I'm not giving them the benefit of the doubt, but when you don't greet someone when you're in their home and leave your used glasses all over their house, I don't care if you're the fucking king of Siam or Juanito from La Chureca. Have a little courtesy.

And no, I do not want to buy you alcohol. You don't even know my name, and I don't really care if I learn yours either.

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