Monday, June 2, 2008

Working downtown a lot of fun. I secured a 9-5 (really a 9-whenever i go home between 5:30 and 6:30) in downtown and in my favoritest part of the city. My coworkers are great, the pay is great, and while the work is so-so it's temp work so what can you expect. Overall I'm having a great time, earning a couple months' pay for Nicaragua, and making some fun and very entertaining acquaintances. I work at a place that hires court reporters and processes transcripts for very important cases. Today I was especially happy because instead of being wedded to a computer and mind-numbingly importing/editing/processing transcripts, I got to do all that but also go to bind, put together packages, and joke around with the guys in the production room. I spent the day being productive while quoting Princess Bride and Spaceballs and listening to the guys quote every other comedic movie I know from Holy Grail to Employee of the Month.

Of course, I'd like to be in a different sort of business if/when I move back to the D.C. area, but it's reassuring to know that there are fun people everywhere. It's also gotten me vaguely interested in law school again. Maybe.

New resolutions for this last month in the States:
1. Eat healthy again like last summer.
2. Exercise in the morning before work. Honestly, it's the only time I'll do it since I'm not taking lunches anymore to exercise.
3. Be 90% packed for Nicaragua a week before I leave.
4. Go to sleep by 11 pm every week night.


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