Sunday, June 8, 2008

xkcd says it all

To be honest, one of the things I love about discussing Nicaragua with older people is that so many of them tell me, "If I could do it over again, I would do exactly what you're doing." It might still be because I'm a doe-eyed young 21 year old, but I want my life to be as exciting and interesting and fast-paced for as long as possible. Two comics that perfectly sum up what I want my life and career to look like to the world: and

I might not be traveling the world or starting a new Partners In Health, but I never want to seriously doubt the worth of my work or feel like I'm wasting my life. Ever. However, I would like to be very active and sometimes on the move, so starting a family could be a little tricky...especially if my future husband leads a similarly semi-nomadic life. But I guess these sort of things work out.

Hot off the presses: Nicaragua is officially poorer than Haiti. Great, thanks for nothing Daniel Ortega. The next time one of my Sandinista boys gives me their propaganda mierda I am going to verbally smack them. Dios.

But hey, only one month and three days more :o)

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