Thursday, March 6, 2008

Spring Break, T-8 hours

Today was fun and event-filled, which made up for the fact that I broke my eating healthy streak and didn't get to exercise. Everyone was out and about today because the weather was's days like today that make me love Emory and almost wish that I weren't graduating. After classes and an interesting lecture at the CDC, I spent about an hour hanging out on the quad with various people and happily passing time doing nothing. If Nicaragua plans hadn't materialized, I would have been very tempted to stay here another year, find a job or internship within Emory, and take classes by the credit hour just for fun, just so I didn't have to leave. But lucky for me I guess that I'm ready to leave this limbo-paradise and do what's really calling me.

On that note, today I went to a lecture in the CDC presented by Dr. K. Srinath Reddy, the President of the Public Health Foundation of India. He's a well-connected and highly-acclaimed Public Health figure, and it was almost overwhelming being the CDC and in the presence of such important people. I started thinking to myself, "Wow, I never would have thought that I would be sitting here 5 years ago..." and then realized, "Wow, I didn't even know what Global Health was five years ago..." It was an energizing and inspirational experience, and I hope that one day I'll be back at the CDC but as an MPH, PhD or visiting Fellow.

As I mentioned, today was kind of a disaster health-wise beyond me walking back to the quad from the CDC, but it's okay because we went to the Brick Store for dinner and Cafe Intermezzo for late night dessert and drinks. Yea....I'm going to miss Atlanta's restaurant scene, especially in comparison with what I know Managua has to offer. You win some you lose some, I guess.

Okay, off to finish packing and writing my Spanish composition. Home in less than 20 hours!

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